
How Commercial Real Estate Attracts Top Talents

How Commercial Real Estate Attracts Top Talents

Working people spend a lot of their time at work which can make it feel like you spend more time at the office more than anywhere else. This is the reason why many companies really take building the company culture seriously.

This is something that should be taken into consideration when marketing spaces and enticing clients in the commercial real estate field. Workplaces and work environments change over the years not only because of the trends in interior design but also because people’s preferences change too. If you’ve noticed, job hunters don’t just look at the job or company when they apply for a position, they also consider the environment that they will be getting into. And for job seekers, their only way to get an idea of that is through the look of the place itself. If the office space looks and feels friendly and fun, they’d assume most of their day-to-day life in that company would be the same.

For commercial real estate agents who are marketing office spaces through Matterport 3D virtual tour, this is something to keep in mind. Utilizing technology to effectively promote your listings is good. But don’t just rely on that, it’s good to have an insight into the pulse of your target customers too.


Being Aware Of The Latest Workplace Environment Trends

Trends were mention above right? Remember when offices used to be all about cubicles and then it shifted into an open concept? Some companies didn’t even have a separate office for the CEO because sharing one open space was the thing for a while. But nowadays the trend has changed in several ways.

So it’s important to keep an eye on that. These days, companies are moving towards creating a workplace that is more human-centric, collaborative, and active spaces. There are some businesses that also focus on creating more inviting and comfortable spaces that promote a sense of community, comfortability, and shared values.

All of these are not only to attract more talent into the company but as well as to encourage employees to go to the office. Because in a world where more and more work is being done digitally and remotely, having employees go to the office still helps to boost morale, develop relationships, and improve the optics of the business for prospective talent.

Office rentals continue to be a growing market and they present an excellent opportunity for commercial real estate agents to take advantage. And to get the most out of that, doing your research helps create a 3D virtual tour that will highlight the vibe that the client is going for.


Highlight Both The Work And Play Areas

The goal is to attract top talents and retaining existing ones. Those people will most likely be interested not just in the work itself, they need a break too right? Common areas like the kitchen, lounge area, and even nap rooms are just as important to be included as meeting rooms. All of these rooms contribute to the full vision of a company that applicants, as well as current employees, will be looking at and hoping for.


Get The Most Out Of Commercial Real Estate Technology

Companies looking into commercial real estate office spaces usually search online first. This is why it’s important that you get your marketing on the listing right, as well as on your social media platforms and your own website. Photos and videos are given, but commercial real estate technology now offers 3D virtual tours that provide an immersive and interactive experience for those taking it. This doesn’t just bring interest in your listing but it also generates engagement and builds you and your clients’ brand which gets your clients the talents they want and leads you to done deals a lot faster.


Details Bring In Deals From A Distance

Whether they’re trying to move or add a corporate office, it takes a good deal of money, strategy, effort, and time to invest in commercial real estate. This is why the more details that you can provide, the easier it is for them to make a confident decision.  Matterport 3D virtual tours can help with that. Since this allows them to tour the space and get enough information, it saves time and energy touring every place in person but makes it easier and faster to choose which one suits their needs best at the same time.


3D Virtual Tours Is The Simplest But Effective Way To Capture An Entire Space

Using high-quality and professional real estate photos and offering Matterport virtual tours to customers are the best ways to provide complete transparency that both your client and the talents they’re trying to attract are looking for. This way, they get to tour the properties whenever and wherever. They’d still get a personalized view of the property because you can guide them using Mattertag posts. After the tour, they will feel satisfied with the visit and all the details they got as if they went to the place in person. When customers end up feeling like that, they tend to be more confident about making a decision right away.








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